Sci Colab Program


As we said earlier, we are to assist you navigate through the endless universe of thoughts and ideas. But how do we do that you ask? Well, here's the answer for you. With a view to teaching the members all the cool stuffs (and slightly boring ones as well) we have been running a program called the "Sci-Colab Program". Here we try to train the young minds on various Scientific topics. From number theory to geometry, from neuron to ecosystem , from molecules to organic chemistry, from gravity to relativity... Basically anything you ask for, we are doing it. The goal of the Sci-Colab Program is not only to train you for the Olympiads and competitions but also to help you have a better understanding of science. Many renowned competition winners and well-experienced individuals have been lending us their time and skills to make this dream a reality. This program is already becoming a hit. To make this a success all our brilliant trainers and students are working very hard. We are proud to have a really cooperative environment here. If you wish to know more about this program, feel free to contact us.

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